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Is it related to the spread of peanut cancer cells?

Time: 2022-04-11 15:16:48

Peanut contains high-protein components and multivitamins, as well as some trace elements and minerals, which can promote the supplement of phosphorus, iron and calcium in the body, thus achieving good nutritional effects. Some people don't like to eat peanuts, which will make their skin red. In fact, it can supplement blood and effectively avoid the symptoms of anemia.

Some people also like to regulate the spleen and stomach by eating peanuts in daily life, which helps to improve anorexia, indigestion and other abnormal diseases, which is of great help to their health. Generally speaking, peanut is a kind of food beneficial to human health.

Many people may not have heard of "peanut agglutinin" contained in peanuts. After entering the human body, this substance will be found and used by cancer cells. Why is this happening?

After "peanut agglutinin" enters human body, cancer cells can adhere to blood vessel wall more smoothly and quickly, and reach various organs and tissues of human body through blood circulation, thus increasing its spread and metastasis. "Peanut agglutinin" is equivalent to a transportation mode of cancer cells, which can help cancer cells spread to neighboring organs in a short time, making the disease difficult to control.

At this time, some people question whether peanut agglutinin contained in fried peanuts will lose its activity due to high temperature. To this end, relevant experts also conducted experiments. After cooking peanuts in water at 100 degrees Celsius or frying them at high temperature, they found that nearly 50% of anthocyanins in peanuts have strong activity.

Therefore, cancer patients are advised to eat peanuts as little as possible, but this does not mean that cancer patients should not eat peanuts at all, but strictly control the amount of food.

Related research found that after eating a lot of peanuts, the content of "peanut agglutinin" in the body increased rapidly. At this time, our bodies will be in a sub-health state. Therefore, cancer patients must control the quantity of peanuts and not eat too much at one time, which is bad for the disease.